My H&M order arrived today and I finally got my Yellow trousers. I've been on a quest for the perfect yellow piece for several months now and today I succeeded. Of course I could no longer wait to post about my newly found favorite color: Yellow!
I don't know how, but someway Yellow appeals to me! Maybe because of it's joyful attitude or because I've longed for spring for quite a while now. All I know is:
I love it! I got it! And more people should!
So here are some tips on how to match your yellows. 
First of all, Do your work properly! Nobody likes things half-done. So, either use a really really small touch of yellow in an accessory or something, or go ALL the way! Dress yourself like a complete banana and spread that summer attitude. Don't try to use patterns ore the half-bright, washed away, semi-camel kind of yellow. It makes you look old and forty! Go for plain yellow without to many fuss.
Second, try adding some more colored pieces to your look, never be to bold! The brighter the better. (Try pink lipstick for example!) Yellow matches almost anything. Except for the more neutral colors like most green-ish colors or several tints of brown. 
And last but not least, try finding the right shade for your skin tone or hair color. Not every shade matches every body type, so be careful. But there's enough yellow for everyone so even the blond girls should be able to find there own perfect yellow shade.
Now get you're lazy deep-cold winter-body of that couch and start adding some summer yellow to your wardrobe!